Issue Position: Get Americans Working Again

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2012

As a small business owner and the only candidate in the 9th District race that owns, operates and created her own business inside the District, I will fight in Congress to restore confidence and certainty to private sector businesses and, especially small businesses, by getting out of the way and passing conservative legislation in Congress to get our economy back on track. I will cut the size and scope of government, add a Balanced Budget Amendment to the Constitution, ban earmarks and oppose every bailout, stimulus or government giveaway. And the United States House of Representatives just passed a bill calling on an audit of the Federal Reserve -- when the United States Senate defeats that bill (which they most certainly will), I will fight for that audit in my first year. We also need to cut taxes across the board, not raise them; we need to cut the amount of over regulation and red tape, not increase regulation that stifles job growth. And the voters in Arizona can trust, that I will vote to repeal Obamacare.
